Welcome to JSAUR

The Journal of Secondary and Undergraduate Research is a project dedicated to helping students everwhere publish research for free.

A New Era for Academic Publishing

At JSAUR, we believe that the future of academia is a transparent, accessible, and community-driven environment. We aim to achieve this by incorporating modern elements that offer a space where student scholars can publish high-quality research without the restraints of high-cost and gatekeeping.


All JSAUR publications undergo a peer-review process by fellow researchers. One of our central missions is to ensure fair feedback and ensure and foster academic quality.

Accessibility and Inclusivity

JSAUR eliminates financial barriers by offering a free-to-publish platform, making academic publishing free to all students regardless of their background.


JSAUR leverages Web 3.0 technologies such as blockchain and smart contracts to create a decentralized platform of transparency and accountability in the publishing process.

Explore our Latest Publications

  • Elevated Self-Rated Intellectual Ability Among Biological Parents of Autistic Individuals

    We conducted an online survey asking biological parents of autistic individuals to self-assess their intellectual ability by ranking themselves in one of five quintiles: 1st-20th percentile, 21st-40th percentile, 41st-60th percentile,…

  • Political Spectrum vs. COVID-19 Response

    Within Western Nations, democracies have been lauded as the progressive form of government. However, within the last 10 years, the world has become increasingly, autocratic, with personal freedoms being restricted…

  • Evaluating Chinese GDP Growth using the Keqiang Index

    While Chinese GDP growth has undoubtedly been impressive, there has been much skepticism with regards Chinese economic data reporting. To address this somewhat, Premier Li Keqiang created the Keqiang Index…

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